310 S. Chestnut St.
Derry, PA 15627



5 BIG Ways Kids Can Benefit from Chiropractic


How old do you need to be to start chiropractic care? Minutes! From newborns to teens, children of all ages can reap serious benefits from regular chiropractic care—setting them up for a lifetime of health and well-being. While there are hundreds of reasons a chiropractor should be a prominent member of your child’s healthcare team, we want to highlight a few that we think are pretty important.

Here’s a quick synopsis on chiropractic before we dive in: The central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) is responsible for communicating to all parts of the body. Subluxations (when one or more spinal vertebrae move out of position) create stress on nearby nerves and thwart proper communication between the brain, central nervous system and the body. The safe and gentle chiropractic adjustment removes these interferences (subluxations) along the spinal vertebrae, allowing the central nervous system to properly communicate with all parts of the body, promoting self-healing and optimal function.

OK, ready? Five reasons your child should see a chiropractor:

  1. Birth trauma recovery. Labor and delivery aren’t just difficult for the mother; the infant also experiences the physical stress and strain of the birth process. Around 2 percent of births in the United States result in physical injury to the infant. This percentage is likely low as injuries often go unnoticed and may be painless, making it difficult to spot if an injury occurred. One of the best ways to check your newborn after birth is through a gentle chiropractic evaluation.
  2. Immune system support. Childhood is rife with coughs, colds and fevers. Many kids today are in daycare and it’s tough to keep them away from minor illnesses. As chiropractors, we’ve seen marked improvement in our patients’ immune systems, with patients reporting a decrease in or absence of cold symptoms during cold and flu season, quicker recovery times and more. How does this happen? Well, to put it simply: the nervous system and immune system are directly connected and chiropractic adjustments remove interferences between the two systems—therefore, allowing both to operate (and communicate) optimally. Additionally, the musculoskeletal, nervous and immune systems are intertwined through the lymphatic system, another critical player in the immune system. Lymph nodes carry immune cells throughout the body via the musculoskeletal system, to help fight infection.
  3. Preventative care. There’s a beautiful quote from Frederick Douglass that can be applied to children’s overall health, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Isn’t it easier to keep children healthy than it is to fix them once they’re ill? Unfortunately, our current healthcare system is largely based on “sick-care,” meaning you’re hurt, you go to the doctor; you’re sick, you go to the doctor—instead of regularly visiting your chiropractic physician and other wellness providers to help maintain your health.
  4. Falls and injuries. If you have a kid, you know that as soon as he or she begins to crawl, walk, run—bumps and bruises are just a part of everyday life. While it’s easy to tell when your child has experienced a major injury, like a broken arm, it’s much harder (or impossible) to tell if your child’s trip on the rug resulted in a micro trauma. Over time, micro traumas can lead to subluxations, which in turn increase chances of long-term health issues, a decrease in the important curvatures of the spine and more. A chiropractor is an expert in locating subluxations, or misalignments, and removing them.
  5. Colic problems. The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics published a clinical study involving 104 randomized patients suffering from colic who were being treated with chiropractic care. The study concluded that “chiropractic manual therapy improved crying behavior in infants with colic.” We’ve also personally seen many little patients (and happy parents) who’ve seen a rapid decrease in their colic symptoms after starting care.

Treating children is a passion of ours at Allison Chiropractic Center , and all of our doctors have been trained to adjust and treat children of any age. Make an appointment or talk to your chiropractor, and you’ll find more reasons to bring your child in for a visit!

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